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Antai College: Achieving Excellence and Shaping the Future of Business Education

Antai College of Economics and Management, a prestigious institution at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, is making remarkable strides in the field of business education. The name ‘Antai’ carries significant weight, symbolizing excellence and achievement within the industry.

Journey to Excellence: Dean’s Message

Under the leadership of Dean Chen Fangruo, Antai College of Economics and Management has experienced significant development, solidifying its position among the top Chinese business schools. The college has earned international accreditations and impressive rankings, highlighting its commitment to academic excellence. Furthermore, ACEM places great emphasis on talent development, evident through its highly sought-after Antai diploma.

Vision & Mission for Success

Antai College of Economics and Management envisions itself as a world-class business school firmly rooted in China. Its mission revolves around first-class scholarship, shaping talented individuals, and enabling their endeavors. To achieve these goals, ACEM follows a set of guiding principles and employs a comprehensive strategy.

Building a New Model for Business Education

ACEM has a rich history and an exceptional reputation. By integrating theory and practice, it offers a dynamic learning environment that prepares students for real-world challenges. The college extends an invitation to individuals who aspire to be part of this transformative journey.


Antai College has achieved remarkable success on its path to becoming a world-class business school. With a steadfast commitment to academic excellence, talent development, and industry relevance, ACEM is shaping the future of business education. Those interested in contributing to ACEM’s mission of fostering business impact, academic research, and teaching excellence are encouraged to join this extraordinary endeavor. Together, we can build a brighter future and propel ACEM to new heights of accomplishment.

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