
What is a personal licence and how do I get one?

The Licensing Act 2003 stipulates that if you want to serve alcohol on a licensed site (apart from clubs), you must have a designated premises supervisor (DPS) in place. A personal licence is required to become a DPS. This is the case for all venues, which means it applies equally to pubs, restaurants, cafés, event spaces, off-licenses, hair salons, and any other licensed location that wishes to sell alcohol on/off its premises (excluding clubs).

What exactly is a personal licence, and why should I need one?

If you want to sell alcoholic beverages on your premises (or take them off the premises) in any manner, or have your employees provide alcohol, you must first obtain an on-premises dealer’s permit and a personal licence from the DPS.

A personal licence allows the holder to authorize others (such as other workers) to sell or provide alcohol on any licensed premises. The license is designed to guarantee that businesses selling alcoholic beverages are competent and legal. When a constable or authorized official (usually the Police) asks for their personal licence, a personal licence on a site where they are allowing sales must be produced, according to with Section 135 of the Licensing Act 2003.

If you fail to do so, you might be fined £500. So, once you’ve got it and are using it, make sure you take it with you.

How do I get a personal license?

According to law, before obtaining a personal licence, you must first obtain a qualifying licensing license, such as the HABC Level 2 Award for Personal Licence Holders (APLH) which we provide. The course is intended to guarantee that as a personal licence holder, you are aware of and understand alcohol licensing regulations and responsibilities.

Topics covered:

The following are some of the issues covered in in a Personal Licence Course: the nature, purpose, and validity period of a personal licence, the application procedure and legal responsibilities for obtaining a personal licence, the legal obligations of a personal licence owner, licensing authorities’ roles, responsibilities, and functions, alcohol’s impact on the body and law relating to premises licences

You’ll also need to submit a basic criminal record disclosure form to your local council so that they can evaluate your suitability as a licensee.

Where can I learn more about my personal license training course?

At Dynamis Education Centre, we provide APLH training at our facility. The comprehensive day course costs £100 plus VAT and includes course materials and an examination. If necessary, a free re-sit of the exam is available.

Who is this qualification for?

Anyone aiming to engage in the retail sale of alcohol, whether on a full-time or part-time basis, must first complete this course.

Assessment method:

This APLH qualification is assessed by a multiple-choice examination.

Find out more:

Please either contact us or go to our website to discover further about the Advanced Personal Licence Holder training courses at Dynamis Education Centre, as well as any of our other educational programs for licensed trade professionals.

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